Donate an amount of your choice via MobilePay number 12317.
F73740 should be written in the message.
You can write a comment after the code in the message field and the comment will be shown on the donation on the fundraising page. E.g. “F73740 Let's make a difference together”. If the message does not start with F73740 it won't be shown on the fundraising page but the money will still go to Læger uden Grænser.
Or scan the QR code with your phone camera or directly in the MobilePay app on your mobile phone and donate an amount of your choice.
You can write a comment in the message field and the comment will be shown on the donation on the fundraising page.
If you want a tax deduction for your donation or to show your name and comment donate here instead (you can pay with MobilePay or credit card).
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Goal: 10 kr.
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